#119 got promoted to UX manager? read this


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Building a successful design team as a new UX manager

Building a design team is like assembling a puzzle without knowing what the final picture should look like. You have a vague idea of what you want to achieve, but the exact details are murky.

It’s challenging, messy, and often overwhelming.

As a new design manager, you’re not just tasked with hiring talented individuals; you’re also responsible for fostering a collaborative environment where creativity and productivity can flourish. The stakes are high, and the path is far from straightforward.

Imagine this: It’s your first week as a design manager. You walk into a room filled with individuals who, on paper, are incredibly talented. Yet, you quickly realize that talent alone isn’t enough. The team lacks cohesion, communication is spotty, and there’s an undercurrent of frustration.

You’re hit with the reality that building a successful design team involves much more than bringing skilled designers together. It’s about creating a culture, setting processes, and constantly nurturing a sense of shared purpose and identity.

To help you navigate these challenges, here are ten essential tips to guide you in building a successful design team:


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1. Create rituals

Rituals are the heartbeat of any strong team. They align, communicate, and build culture. Psychologists have found that rituals significantly impact thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. For design teams, specific rituals can include:

  • Kick-off meetings: Start projects with a ritual that sets the tone, clarifies goals, and builds excitement.
  • Show-and-tell sessions: Regularly share personal projects or inspirations to keep creativity flowing.

2. Stand-ups

Stand-ups are quick, informal meetings for daily or weekly updates. They help teams:

  • Share understanding of goals: Misalignment on goals can derail progress. Regular stand-ups ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Coordinate efforts: Teamwork necessitates coordination. Stand-ups help synchronize efforts for better outcomes.
  • Share problems and improvements: Teams exist to support each other. Sharing challenges and solutions fosters a collaborative spirit.
  • Identify as a team: Frequent interaction helps team members feel connected and part of a cohesive unit.

3. Design reviews

Design reviews are critical for building team culture and achieving tangible results:

  • More solidarity: Regular discussions about work foster a sense of community and belonging.
  • Stronger communication skills: Presenting and receiving feedback hones a designer’s ability to articulate ideas.
  • Better work: Consistent reviews improve the quality of work by encouraging designers to reflect and refine their designs.

4. Presentations

A powerful tool for showcasing work, gathering feedback, and honing communication skills. Encourage your team to present their projects to the broader company, fostering transparency and cross-departmental understanding.

5. Social activities

Building relationships outside of work strengthens team bonds. Organize social activities, whether it’s a casual coffee chat, a team lunch, or a virtual game night. These interactions help break down barriers and build trust.

6. Practice good hygiene

Rituals should reinforce desired behaviors. Reward good hygiene practices, such as:

  • Consistent attendance: Make attending meetings a priority.
  • Active participation: Encourage everyone to voice their thoughts and ideas.
  • Respecting time:Start and end meetings on time to respect everyone’s schedule.

7. Focus on processes

Start by documenting the basics, even if they seem obvious. If your team doesn’t know how things get done, chaos will ensue.

Clarity in processes eliminates confusion and boosts efficiency. Don’t be afraid to start small; detailed documentation might feel tedious, but it’s the backbone of a well-oiled machine. Remember, without clear processes, your team is just a group of talented individuals stumbling in the dark.

8. Preach 🙏

Shout your team’s successes from the rooftops. Highlight their wins, share their learnings, and relentlessly advocate for the value they bring. This isn’t just about boosting morale—it’s about reinforcing the importance of design within the organization.

If you don’t champion your team, no one else will. Make sure everyone knows the critical role your designers play in driving success.

9. Involve designers

Involve your team in decision-making processes. When designers have a say in how the team operates, they feel more invested and engaged. This can lead to innovative ideas and stronger team cohesion.

10. Feedback, feedback, feedback…

Feedback is the lifeblood of improvement. Foster a culture where constructive criticism flows freely and regularly. Encourage your team to give and receive feedback that’s honest but always aimed at growth. This isn’t about tearing each other down; it’s about building each other up.

Constructive feedback helps everyone grow and ensures the team evolves together, constantly pushing the boundaries of what they can achieve.


In the end, building a design team is an ongoing journey. It requires patience, resilience, and a willingness to adapt.

There will be moments of frustration and doubt, but also moments of incredible creativity and achievement. Embrace the chaos, celebrate the small wins, and keep your eyes on the bigger picture.

Remember, the strength of your team lies in its ability to work together towards a common goal. By navigating these challenges with empathy and clarity, you can build a design team that’s not just successful but truly exceptional.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 types of designers I help:

1. Entry-level designer? Transition into UX by crafting an unforgettable portfolio
2. Mid-level designer? Step up and become a design leader
3. Senior, Lead, or Manager? — Start your journey as a designpreneur

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Play of the Week

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