#115 Are you tired of getting job rejections? Read this


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The Brutal Reality of UX Job Searching

The job market is a battlefield.

And it’s a tough world out there, filled with rejections, endless interviews, and countless hours spent honing resumes and portfolios.

Every application is sent with hope, every interview attended with nervous anticipation, only to be met with the familiar sting of a polite rejection.

It’s a cycle that can drain even the most optimistic job seeker.

The frustration builds as you tweak your resume for the hundredth time, perfect your cover letter, and meticulously prepare for interviews, only to be passed over for another candidate.

It’s disheartening, and it can feel incredibly personal, leaving you to question your worth and abilities.

You’re not alone if you’ve felt the sting of being passed over for a job you thought was a perfect fit.

Many of us have tried every trick in the book; from expensive online courses, YouTube tutorials to attending numerous networking events — only to find ourselves back at square one.

We pour our hearts into our applications and then wait, often in vain, for a call back.

It’s a rollercoaster of emotions that can leave you feeling defeated.

The job search process, with its ups and downs, can make even the most confident individuals doubt themselves. But despite the setbacks, you keep pushing forward because you know that the right opportunity is out there.

The frustration is real, and it’s time for a real solution.

What you need is a strategy that actually works, one that cuts through the noise and gets you noticed for all the right reasons.


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Sick of rejection? This might be your answer…

If you’re tired of the constant stream of "thank you for your application, but..." emails, it’s time to shift your approach.

You need to build your own job search playbook, a comprehensive strategy tailored to your needs that can help you stand out in a crowded market.

Here’s why having your own playbook could be a game-changer:

💡 Simplify your job search

Navigating the job market doesn’t have to be a complex puzzle. A playbook breaks it down into an easy, step-by-step guide that takes the guesswork out of your job hunt. No more wondering if you’re doing it right—follow these steps and streamline your path to employment.

🎯 How to do it:

Create a weekly plan where you allocate specific times for job searching, application submissions, and follow-ups. Having a structured schedule can reduce anxiety and increase productivity.

💡 Master portfolio formats

In-depth knowledge of various portfolio formats can set you apart from the competition. Dive deep into what works best for different roles and industries, ensuring that your portfolio is always on point.

🎯 How to do it:

Research companies you’re interested in and find out their preferred portfolio formats. If a company like Airbnb requires a PDF portfolio, have one ready. Also, maintain an online portfolio for easy access and sharing.

💡 Build your personal brand

Standing out in a crowded market is crucial. Your personal brand is what makes you unique, and it’s essential to develop it effectively.

🎯 How to do it:

Craft a compelling LinkedIn profile and regularly share industry-relevant content. Create a personal website to showcase your skills, projects, and testimonials. Networking both online and offline can help establish your brand.

💡 Understand the UX blueprint

User Experience (UX) is a critical aspect of many roles today, especially in design. Ensure your playbook provides the insights you need to excel in UX, making a lasting impression on potential employers.

🎯 How to do it:

Stay updated with the latest UX trends and best practices by following industry blogs and participating in UX communities. Create case studies that demonstrate your problem-solving skills and user-centered design approach.

💡 Navigate the brutal job search

The job market can be brutal, but you don’t have to face it unarmed. Your playbook should equip you with proven strategies to tackle even the toughest challenges.

🎯 How to do it:

Keep a job application tracker where you document each application, including the role, company, date applied, and follow-up actions. This helps you stay organized and follow up appropriately.

💡 Communicate your value

One of the biggest challenges in job hunting is effectively conveying your worth. Discover how to tell your story in a way that resonates with employers.

🎯 How to do it:

Develop an elevator pitch that succinctly highlights your skills, experiences, and what makes you unique. Practice it until you can deliver it confidently in any situation, whether in an interview or networking event.

💡 Hiring process documentation

Every time you go through a hiring process, note down the stages and with whom you interacted. This documentation helps you understand patterns and improve your approach for future applications.

🎯 How to do it:

After each interview, jot down the questions asked, your responses, and any feedback received. This practice will help you identify areas for improvement and prepare better for the next opportunity.

💡 Interview cheatsheet

Create an interview cheatsheet to document the questions you struggled with and your scripted responses. This preparation ensures you nail those questions the next time they come up.

🎯 How to do it:

Compile a list of common interview questions. Write out thoughtful responses and practice them. Include questions about your experience, skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Whether you’re a fresh graduate or an experienced professional, take this post as a sign to stop spinning your wheels and start moving forward with a clear, actionable plan.

Too overwhelmed to build your own playbook?

The path to your dream job doesn’t have to be a maze of frustration and dead ends.

With the right tools and strategies, you can transform your career and achieve your goals.

Don’t let another opportunity slip through your fingers.

In a world where the job market is more competitive than ever, having a solid strategy is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity.

But if building your own job search playbook sounds daunting, don’t worry.

We’ve got the perfect solution to make your job hunt efficient and effective without the hassle.

My UX Portfolio Playbook offers a comprehensive approach to streamline your job search and help you stand out in a crowded field. Alternatively, check out my job search strategy course, Job Sprint.

Ready to make a change? 💪

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  1. 👩‍💼 Junior Designer Bundle — Build a solid UX career foundation and craft your unforgettable portfolio
  2. 🦄 Senior Designer Bundle — Become a design leader and build healthier happier teams
  3. 🏃‍♂️ Job Sprint Course — Stand out in your job search and get hired in an unpredictable market

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