#110 Does a designer's qualifications matter? Maybe not...


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Opening Doors: Giving People a Shot at Success

In the world of hiring and talent acquisition, there's a powerful concept that goes beyond just evaluating resumes and skill sets—it's about opening doors for individuals and giving them a genuine shot at success.

Consider a pivotal moment in your career journey.

Perhaps you were faced with evaluating candidates for a position and grappling with the realisation that the perfect candidate simply doesn't exist.

Every applicant, to some degree, falls short in certain areas.

Sometimes, the pool of applicants doesn't align perfectly with the job description.

How do you navigate this scenario?
How do you discern which qualities are essential and which can be developed?

It's in these moments that a leap of faith becomes essential.

Think back to when someone took a chance on you.

Maybe you were fresh out of college or transitioning careers, armed with potential and a hunger to contribute. Someone recognised that spark within you—a willingness to learn and grow—and decided to open a door.


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The myth of the perfect candidate

It's a common pitfall for hiring managers to fixate on finding the elusive "perfect" candidate—a person who neatly ticks off every requirement listed in the job description.

However, this pursuit often overlooks a fundamental truth: there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. Instead, what exists are individuals with diverse backgrounds, unique skill sets, and untapped potential.

When hiring solely based on a checklist of qualifications, organisations risk missing out on hidden gems; individuals who may not meet every criterion but possess the drive and adaptability to excel in the role.

Consider the tech industry, where rapid advancements render certain skills obsolete within months. Hiring for agility and a growth mindset becomes paramount in navigating this ever-evolving landscape.

Ultimately, the quest for the perfect candidate is replaced by the pursuit of exceptional individuals who demonstrate not only current competence but also the capacity for continuous improvement.

This shift in mindset not only enhances hiring practices but also cultivates a workforce that is resilient, agile, and poised for sustained success.

Here's why it matters:

1. Attitude over aptitude

When you prioritise attitude over aptitude during the hiring process, you're investing in the long-term success of your team. Someone with a positive outlook, a hunger to learn, and a collaborative spirit can bring immeasurable value to your organisation.

2. Passion fuels growth

Passionate individuals are more likely to go the extra mile. They seek out opportunities to learn and develop new skills, not because they have to, but because they genuinely want to.

3. Willingness to learn opens doors

In today's rapidly evolving industries, the ability and eagerness to learn new things are indispensable. A candidate who is open to continuous growth and development is more likely to adapt to new technologies, processes, and challenges.

How to evaluate job candidates beyond the checklist

When it comes to hiring, it's essential to move beyond the rigid checkboxes of a job description and assess candidates based on their potential to thrive within your organization.

Embracing a data-driven and forward-thinking approach allows you to identify individuals who may not meet every requirement on paper but possess the qualities needed to excel and grow in the role.

Here are practical tips to help you make informed decisions when evaluating job candidates:

Be data-driven

Take a more objective and data-driven approach to defining what you seek in a candidate.

Instead of focusing solely on qualifications, analyse the top performers within your organisation. Identify common characteristics among them to gain insights into the traits that contribute to success in the role.

Focus on a candidate's ability and willingness to learn

Explore if they have acquired new skills in previous roles or projects.

During interviews, ask candidates to describe how they approach learning and overcoming challenges. A genuine interest in growth and development is a valuable indicator of future success.

Asses potential

Look beyond technical skills and evaluate soft attributes such as curiosity, determination, and motivation.

These qualities indicate a candidate's potential to adapt and thrive in dynamic environments. Assessing potential helps identify individuals who can grow into the role and contribute effectively over time.

Evaluate a candidate's emotional intelligence

Including self-awareness and relationship-building skills.

Look for indicators of empathy, adaptability, and conflict resolution abilities. Emotional intelligence is essential for fostering positive interactions and collaboration within the team.

Character and values

Prioritise integrity, ethics, and cultural alignment when evaluating candidates.

Skills can be developed, but character traits are foundational to long-term success and organisational cohesion. Assess a candidate's values and principles to ensure alignment with your company's culture and mission.

Paving the way for success

In the pursuit of building a standout team, go beyond surface qualifications.

Look deeper to unearth untapped potential and overlooked strengths. Embrace candidates who demonstrate a thirst for learning, emotional intelligence, and a strong cultural fit.

By prioritizing character and growth mindset over rigid criteria, you're not just filling roles—you're empowering individuals to thrive.

Redefine success by recognising that the perfect candidate may not fit a mold but possesses qualities that drive innovation and collaboration. Embrace diversity of thought and experience. When you challenge conventional hiring norms, you create opportunities for personal and organisational growth.

Choose candidates who embody the ethos of continuous improvement and resilience. Give them the chance to shine, knowing that their unique contributions will shape the future of your team.

In reimagining the hiring process, you're not just opening doors—you're paving the way for success.

So, what do you think?

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That's it for today. Speak soon 💛.

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