#108 Feng Shui meets UX ☯️


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Feng Shui meets UX:
Balancing Digital Energy

In the ancient practice of Feng Shui, every element, from the arrangement of furniture to the flow of energy, is meticulously orchestrated to cultivate harmony and vitality.

This profound philosophy, rooted in the idea of aligning individuals with their environment, holds the keys to unlocking the essence of well-being and prosperity.

As we navigate the digital realm of the 21st century, where our interactions are increasingly mediated through screens and interfaces, the principles of Feng Shui take on a new dimension.

The question arises: How can we use Feng Shui to create digital experiences that truly connect with users?

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The evolution of design has seen a parallel journey with the principles of Feng Shui.

As UX design emerged and evolved, designers began to recognise the importance of creating digital environments that not only look visually appealing but also feel intuitive and harmonious to users.

This shift in focus from purely aesthetic considerations to a more holistic approach mirrors the principles of Feng Shui, where the balance of form and function is key.

While they may not be identical, there are clear parallels between the two disciplines. Both aim to create environments that foster positive energy flow and enhance the well-being of users, whether in physical or digital spaces.

By incorporating the principles of Feng Shui into UX design, designers can create digital experiences that resonate deeply with users on a subconscious level.

The cost of broken UX 🫠

Neglecting seamless or harmonious UX design can have significant consequences:

  1. Users may quickly lose interest and disengage from websites or apps.
  2. Poorly designed interfaces can lead to confusion and frustration, causing users to struggle with navigation and task completion.
  3. Subpar user experiences result in decreased satisfaction levels, leading to negative perceptions of the brand or service.
  4. Users are less likely to return to digital platforms that fail to provide seamless and captivating experiences, leading to diminished retention rates.
  5. Businesses risk losing revenue opportunities as users opt for competitors with better-designed experiences.
  6. Negative user experiences can tarnish a brand's reputation, resulting in long-term consequences for customer trust and loyalty.

It's essential to prioritise UX design principles and incorporate insights from disciplines like Feng Shui to create digital experiences that resonate deeply with users.

Tips for creating captivating digital experiences

  1. The Art of Energy Flow: Ensure your digital space flows effortlessly, guiding users through a harmonious journey with clear information architecture and intuitive navigation.
  2. Balancing Yin and Yang: Strike a perfect equilibrium between functionality and aesthetics, ensuring that design elements serve a clear purpose while also being visually appealing.
  3. Spatial Awareness: Optimise layout and organisation to create visual breathing room and position important elements intuitively, following natural eye movement patterns.
  4. Cultivating Positive User Vibes: Dive into color psychology, typography, and visual elements to evoke specific emotions and create a favorable user experience aligned with user emotions.
  5. Embracing Natural Elements: Infuse organic shapes, textures, and imagery inspired by nature to bring a sense of authenticity and grounding to your designs.
  6. Designing for Flow and Balance: Create seamless user journeys that align with mental models, fostering a sense of rhythm and continuity in interactions.


As the digital design landscape continues to evolve, the integration of Feng Shui principles emerges as a powerful tool for creating captivating user experiences.

By weaving elements of energy flow, balance, and spatial awareness into UX design, designers unlock the potential to craft digital environments that transcend mere functionality, resonating deeply with users on an instinctual level.

In this ongoing exploration of ancient wisdom and modern technology, the horizon of possibility expands endlessly.

As we embrace the fusion of timeless insights and contemporary innovation, the journey towards creating truly harmonious digital experiences becomes both exciting and limitless.

Do you think UX is digital Feng Shui?

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